
Accelerate automation with global access and local support

Our distributors are industrial robotic experts. They advise machine builders and end customers on suitable applications, recommend tooling or products, and provide local support and training for Mecademic products.

Distributor Spotlight: Mechatronic Solutions

Global Access to Highly Precise Robotics

Worldwide Access and Support
Leverage our global network of distributors and vendors to gain local support and training for our high-performance robotic solutions.




Mecademic Product Experts
Our dedicated partners are trained and supported by our team of automation experts to qualify, recommend and support your unique automation needs.




Resource & Time Saving

By working with our partners, you save time and resources across all stages of automation – from initial qualification to deployment. 

Join our distributor network

Mecademic offers a partner certification program to educate, support and collaborate with its distributors. As part of this program, distributors are expected to dedicate time and resources to learn how to qualify the fit and support our products. 


Certified distributors have direct access to our product experts for project qualification input, technical and sales support as well as training services and material.