6-Axis Industrial Robot Arm
The Meca500 is by far the smallest and most compact six-axis industrial robot arm. It is also the most precise one. And unlike most other industrial robots - which are usually complex stand-alone systems - the Meca500 is a plug-and-work automation component. Our robot is a slave component rather than a master, which makes it very easy to integrate via any computer or PLC. The Meca500 doesn’t require any training courses, software installations, or additional options to purchase. It’s that simple!
The Meca500 is smaller than any industrial robot arm. Featuring an embedded controller, it is also unbelievably compact.
The robot is easy to mount in any orientation. It automatically compensates for gravity, without requiring any software adjustments. This added flexibility enables easy integration in a wide variety of settings.
The Meca500 is a plug‑and‑work automation component, easy to interface with any computer or PLC. Easily operate the robot using any programming language you prefer.
Built with precision-machined aluminum and zero-backlash gearboxes, the Meca500 is the world’s most precise six-axis robot. It boasts a repeatability of 5 μm.
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